Category: design

  • [InfoViz] Memvisualisasikan Berbagai Jenis Data

    [InfoViz] Memvisualisasikan Berbagai Jenis Data

    Beberapa tahun belakangan mulai ngetren yang namanya infographics, dimana informasi atau data disajikan dengan grafis atau visualisasi menarik. Sebuah informasi ternyata menjadi lebih menarik ketika disampaikan dalam bentuk infografis. Tadinya sebuah informasi bisa berupa berderet-deret angka dalam tabel atau bertumpuk-tumpuk paragraf. Infografis bisa merangkum informasi atau data dalam jumlah besar, sekaligus relasi antar variabelnya, dalam satu ilustrasi.…

  • Mental Model di Warung Makan

    Tempat makan (di Indonesia) itu banyak macamnya Warteg Fast food/take away Restoran Kafe Warung gerobak nah tiap tempat makan bisa punya cara pesen, makan, dan bayar sendiri. Di warteg, warung padang, warung nasi biasanya nasi, sayur dan lauknya ditata di sebuah lemari kaca. Pembeli bisa mengambil piring dan menunya sendiri atau diambilkan oleh penjaga warung…

  • Art and Craft

    There are people who were born artistic. Their senses work really well to pull strings here and there to make a great piece. But I am pretty sure that not every artists are just talented. Some achieve it from hard work. The question I had in mind is, how do they learn? Growing up in…

  • IKEA’s Store Shopping List: the feature that comes true

    IKEA is so awesome, recently they post the ultimate trolling video of the year: the IKEA bookbook. Lol.. I guess since that video, this “Apple-style” ads will be a joke, no? :p But in this post I am not going to talk about that, I want to share how awesome I found their website is,…

  • Comparing IM/Chat User Interfaces

    So I am to design for the interface of a chatroom-like application. Then I was thinking how do the successful chat application look like. This is challenging, though we use chat app all the time, sometimes the best designs are the ones that goes un-noticable. Lets have a look. iRC, Jabber, AIM Starting from the…