There is a wooden box, not too small and not too large, just the right size to carry around. The wood is no longer firm, scrapes are everywhere. Painted white, with thin embroidered laces around the edges. Right in the middle, a keyhole with golden plate. That is vintage-style, dented, the shape we cannot guess…
Just saying, why aren’t there many athletes who are “native” Indonesians, and so are some other occupations like entrepreneurs. I know most people seeks things like “kemapanan”. From the beginning to now on people tend to follow the system. I am not saying its bad, because they do well in that system. Things are different…
(Emha Ainun Nadjib) Laa ilaaha illallaah Tiada Tuhan selain Allah Tiada ada selain Allah Demikian lelaki itu berdzikir Demikian mulutnya berdzikir Demikian kakinya berdzikir Demikian tangannya berdzikir Demikian jiwanya berdzikir Laa ilaaha illallaah Tiada Tuhan selain Allah Tiada ada selain Allah Lelaki itu terhimpit Di tengah jejalan orang-otang Di tengah mereka yang berebut jalan Di…
Gerakan Tari Rampoe (Saman) khas Aceh menorehkan beberapa rasa buat saya. Terutama tentang sebuah ukhuwah.
Pernah terbayang hidup di kalangan minoritas? Mungkin terpaksa menuntut ilmu di institusi berbasis agama lain, atau bahkan tinggal di negara yang sedikit jumlah umat Islamnya? Lalu jika kita berada di kalangan non-muslim Apakah akan sulit kita mengamalkan agama dan mencari kebahagiaan spiritual? Apakah kita selalu akan mengikuti arus dan melupakan nilai-nilai Islam? Well, kalau dari…
Seating TypeMost trains just have one kind of seating, which is, yeah, a normal train seat. Some are arranged all facing one direction, but it is not unusual if you have to sit facing the opposite direction from where the train is going. I think the speed and smooth movement makes it still comfortable. ICE…
Hello again blog! Its been a while since my last post. So I was inspired to write about trains, because when I was in Europe, my friends and I travelled around Europe by train. We travelled for 15 days in total, to 13 different cities in Europe, mostly are big cities. We decide to go…
Assalamu’alaikum, hey hey everyone 😀 I still remember how excited I was when I got this email here wow.. I can’t believe it, I will be going to Stanford and Silicon Valley! Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah 😀 I heard about the opportunity from a post in Kompas and decided to give it a try because they offer…