Category: reflection

  • A One-year Work Reflection

    A One-year Work Reflection

    In 2022, I made a major life decision by moving to my Alma mater, UGM, but, not in the same department where I had undergraduate education from. I started my career in Department of Management and Public Policy. I was grateful to be moving back to my hometown, but I knew that I would be…

  • Don’t Sweat Small Stuff

    Setiap mata pisau mengiris selalu ada dua sisi. Hidup berpindah-pindah negara rupanya banyak memberikan pelajaran buat saya. Di setiap tempat punya sistemnya sendiri, be it: sistem transportasi, sistem administrasi, tata kota, budaya, dan sebagainya. Suatu ketika mungkin kita bisa terlena dengan satu sisi dari sistem. Mungkin sisi ini memberikan kenyamanan, atau pengalaman baru, atau kecanggihan…

  • A Reminder from Time, Let’s Keep Moving

    Another gentle reminder that time flies very fast. It has been a year of many choices and decisions. But unlike the previous years, not all choices can be taken. It’s an art of picking which ones to keep and not to keep. And to keep going with the right balance. It is also a year…

  • Restarting More Often

    (I started writing this post on October, obviously some things have changed) Since my thesis defense is done and all the requirements for my bachelor degree is settled, now I am free from college activities. My graduation is still in November. Not that it means I do not have anything to do at all or I have…

  • A Box of Poisonous Fume

    There is a wooden box, not too small and not too large, just the right size to carry around. The wood is no longer firm, scrapes are everywhere. Painted white, with thin embroidered laces around the edges. Right in the middle, a keyhole with golden plate. That is vintage-style, dented, the shape we cannot guess…

  • Out of the Comfort Zone

    Just saying, why aren’t there many athletes who are “native” Indonesians, and so are some other occupations like entrepreneurs. I know most people seeks things like “kemapanan”. From the beginning to now on people tend to follow the system. I am not saying its bad, because they do well in that system. Things are different…

  • Kenikmatan Spiritual Hidup di Kalangan Minoritas

    Pernah terbayang hidup di kalangan minoritas? Mungkin terpaksa menuntut ilmu di institusi berbasis agama lain, atau bahkan tinggal di negara yang sedikit jumlah umat Islamnya? Lalu jika kita berada di kalangan non-muslim Apakah akan sulit kita mengamalkan agama dan mencari kebahagiaan spiritual? Apakah kita selalu akan mengikuti arus dan melupakan nilai-nilai Islam? Well, kalau dari…

  • Trust

    Saya: Mungkin ada baiknya kalau polisi memulai memberikan imej berbeda pada masyarakat, utamanya anak-anak. Imej yang bersahabat dan ada untuk melayani masyarakat, bukan untuk dijadikan obyek penakut-nakut yang dipakai saat membuat anak itu supaya tidak menangis lagi.Polisi: Ya mungkin bisa kami berpakaian seperti badut dan bertingkah lucu agar anak-anak suka.. blabla yang intinya.. nanti kalau…

  • Study at the Best University, Can We?

    Imagine you are a student of Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia. The university which is considered one of the top three in the country. If your dream was to pursue a career in oil company, aiming for the best company in the world like, name it, Exxon, BP, Chevron, Schlumberger, Total, etc, its not impossible for…